Friday, 10 January 2014

Hot water therapy to reduce weight : Is it effective

In this busy and stressful life, it has been found that many people are suffering from obesity. Water therapy has always been a good option for minimizing the increased up to a level. Water is effective in both of its form, whether it is cold or hot. But more often it has seen that after having your meal taking cold water is a not a good option as it helps in solidifying the oily stuff that has consumed by you. Which slows down the process of digestion and these stimulated fats may lead to cancer. So its better to prefer hot water or soup after meal.

More often people do not prefer to take hot water rather than cold. Although drinking water at regular basis is essential for being fit and active. Its a fact that cold water seems to be more demanding by most of the people. Using hot water or lukewarm water will be more beneficial for anyone, as it increases the body temperature which help in sweating and also in burning fats.

Benefits of Hot water :

There will be less chance of causing any disease if you are taking two glasses of hot water daily. After taking Hot water it maximizes your body temperature up to 98.6 degrees. At this level your body starts sweating and also releasing fats. Sweating also helps in normally purifying you bloodstream and also flushing out the unwanted toxins out from your body. Drinking hot water also remove the unwanted deposits in your nervous system. It refreshes you mind and body too. It also maintains a good balance between your immune system. Drinking hot water regularly always keep you away from nasal cavities, dehydration and much more. Not just releasing weight but this hot water therapy allows your body to free other disease too.

Amount of Hot Water to be consumed daily :

Try to intake 16 glasses of hot water daily to get the better and appropriate result. Divide the therapy of 16 in four times they are-

1. 1st 4 glasses – In bare stomach, early morning.
2. 2nd 4 glasses – After having your breakfast.
3. 3rd 4 glasses – After having your lunch.
4. 4th 4 glasses – After evening Snacks.

Its not the fixed schedule, you can manage it according to your comfort.


Hot water therapy is more reliable and you don't cost anything for that. Its totally safe but all just you have to do is to maintain this therapy at regular basis. It helps to control high blood pressure and diabetes too. You can get more benefits after maintaining this hot water therapy. A part from these hot water therapy you can also check out the weight loss plan by home remedies.

These therapies are beneficial and need some extra time to work on it. Yet in this busy and hectic life every one wants a quick solution. If you want to escape from adopting such remedies and want a genuine weight loss product, then Phen375 will be a good option for you. This product is 100% safe and natural. You can undoubtedly use this weight loss product and manage to get a smarter look in quick time.

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